The Town Council operates a Committee system, each committee having special duties. Committees meet regularly and make recommendations to the full Council. Policy decisions are made by the full Council. 

Community Assets/Facilities Committee
Car parks, Glebe Recreation Ground, cemeteries, public toilets, play parks, skatepark, Council office, Rushmere depot, boardwalk, War Memorial, sports facilities, benches, bus shelters, allotments, bathing rafts. 
Environment & Community Services Committee
Waste facilities and management, biodiversity and tree planting/stock, crime and safety, events, devolution, footpaths, SSSI, community group support, gate licences, town signage.
Finance & Strategy Committee
Financial management and auditing, forward investments, contingency planning, S106, Neighbourhood Plan, Local Plan, external relations Colchester City Council, Essex County Council. 
Personnel Committee
Staffing issues, wages, expenses, disciplinary and other issues related to staff/councillors, health and safety.
Planning & Highways Committee
To discuss planning applications and forward decisions to Colchester City Council. To consider any highways related issues/information. 


Community Assets/Facilities  Cllr Powling (Chair), Cllr Boylan, Cllr Hinderwell, Cllr Jenkins, Cllr Webster
Environment & Community Services Cllr Greenleaf (Chair), Cllr Boylan, Cllr Hinderwell, Cllr Weaver, Cllr Webster
Finance & Strategy Cllr Jenkins (Chair), Cllr Greenleaf, Cllr Hinderwell, Cllr Powling, Cllr Weaver, Cllr Webster
Personnel Cllr Webster (Chair), Cllr Baker, Cllr Boylan, Cllr Greenleaf, Cllr Hinderwell, Cllr Jenkins
Planning & Highways Cllr Hinderwell (Chair), Cllr Baker, Cllr Weaver, Cllr Webster 


Glebe Cllr Boylan, Cllr Greenleaf, Cllr Powling, Cllr Webster
VE Day 80 (8th May 2025) Cllr Greenleaf, Cllr Powling, Cllr Weaver



Allotments Cllr Greenleaf  / Cllr Powling
CALC Cllr Weaver
Car Parks Cllr Powling
Essex Native Oyster Restoration Initiative (ENORI) Cllr Greenleaf
Health & Safety Town Clerk / Cllr Greenleaf
MISA representatives on behalf of the Town Council Cllr Boylan / Cllr Powling
Passenger Transport Cllr Baker
Play parks Cllr Greenleaf
Police & Neighbourhood Watch Cllr Webster


Community Assets/Facilities Committee (adopted 07/03/24): click here 
Environment & Community Services Committee (adopted 07/03/24): click here
Finance & Strategy Committee (adopted 14/07/22, reviewed 13/06/24): click here
Glebe Working Group (adopted 11/04/24): click here
Personnel Committee (adopted 24/11/22, reviewed 25/07/23): click here
Planning & Highways Committee (adopted 07/03/24): click here
VE Day 80 Working Group (adopted 07/11/24): click here

There is also a Waterside Forum run and chaired by Colchester City Council as they manage most of the beach and hard/waterfront area. This Forum is attended by West Mersea Town Council.  

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Contact Details

West Mersea Town Council
10 Melrose Road, West Mersea
Colchester, Essex, CO5 8JD


Telephone: 01206 382128

Office opening hours:
Monday, Tuesday & Friday
9am to 12pm.

You can still contact us by telephone and email at other times.