The Council office is open to the public on Monday, Tuesday and Friday mornings (9am to 12pm). 

We are a stockist for recycling boxes and clear bags, obtained with a voucher from Colchester City Council (Waste & Recycling enquiries: click here) 
Our office working hours are 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Telephone 01206 382128 (answerphone may be on, please leave a message) or email: 
West Mersea Town Council is operating a full service. 

We sell dog bags (£2 for 100 bags) and food caddy bags (£1 for 26 bags). 
Method of payment: Card only (excluding American Express & Diners Card). No cash or cheques. 


As part of the Council's commitment to improve community engagement, residents are welcome to come along and discuss council related subjects with Councillors.
Where: Council Chamber, 10 Melrose Road, West Mersea
When: First Saturday of each month (except for May)
Time: 10am to noon (refreshments available)

Dog bags (£2 for 100 bags) and food caddy bags (£1 for 26 bags) will be available to purchase. 
Payment by card only (excluding American Express & Diners Card). No cash or cheques. 

Date Councillors attending * 
Saturday 1st February Cllr Baker & Cllr Weaver
Saturday 1st March Cllr Greenleaf & Cllr Weaver
Saturday 5th April Cllr Baker & Cllr Jenkins
Saturday 10th May Cllr Webster & TBA
Saturday 7th June Cllr Greenleaf & TBA

* Subject to availability

TOILETS (reviewed 2 Jan)

At a recent Council meeting, a decision was taken to carry out a deep clean in three of our toilet blocks, this took place on 16th & 17th December in Coast Road, Library/High Street and Willoughby. The feedback from the public has been positive. 


At a recent West Mersea Town Council election held on 28th November 2024, there was some confusion within the community as a result of a candidate posting on social media that they had withdrawn. Confusion also arose after The Courier newspaper printed amended election documentation with the word "withdrawn" against a candidate's name.

We understand the Courier newspaper has since issued an apology for printing and amending official election documentation.

We further understand the closing date for any of the candidates to withdraw from the election was 1st November 2024 which was not met by the candidate wishing withdrawing.

Therefore all official election paperwork was correctly printed with all three candidates details.
Colchester City Council and/or West Mersea Town Council were prohibited from amending any official election documentation.

It is the responsibility of any candidate to advise their withdrawal to Colchester City Council before the closing date.
All candidates are provided with all the deadline dates relating to the different processes of an election.

We would like to ask that if in the event of any future elections you are minded to stand as a candidate, please ensure the documentation provided to you is noted and ensure that Colchester City Council Elections Team are informed of any amendments in line with the relevant timeframes and details provided.


Deadline: Tuesday 29th October 2024 (closed)

West Mersea Town Council has the opportunity to purchase land for the consideration of £1.00, comprising some 11 acres, to the north of the Dawes Lane property development (plus a small strip to the south), for use as public green open space. This area includes trees, hedging, and open grassland which will provide further recreational space and support our wildlife. The estimated maintenance cost will be in the region of £14,400 per annum, allowing this investment to protect and benefit present and future generations. Plans of the area are below.

Plan sheet 1: click here
Plan sheet 2: click here

The Council is inviting comments about this proposal either via email to or at the Council office by Tuesday 29th October 2024. 

OPEN PUBLIC MEETING (updated 1 July)

This Council held an Open Public Meeting on 27th June to view the proposed Glebe Pavilion plans.
Location: Glebe Recreation Ground
Location plan: click here
Proposal: click here
Please complete a questionnaire and let your views be known: click here


Community Special Constable Bryant officially took up his position as our Community Police Officer on 1st November 2022.
Constable Bryant has met many people on his beat, including local businesses and community groups. He is in discussion with a number of parties in regard to community based initiatives, aimed at making our Island a better and safer place. Understandably he hasn't been able to meet and speak to everyone, but if you would like SC Bryant to drop by to discuss a concern or simply to say hello, please provide your details to the Council Office and we will be more than happy to pass them on.

Community Special Constables are volunteer police officers, holding the same office and the same powers as regular officers; they wear the same uniform and carry the same equipment and are deployed to the same incidents. Being volunteers, CSCs are not paid but can claim mileage and duty allowances.
Community Special Constable video: click here
Poster: click here 
FAQs: click here 

KEEP MERSEA TIDY (reviewed 2 Jan)

Keep Mersea Tidy litter picks regularly take place in West Mersea. Litter is collected by many individuals, if you wish to sign up as a Litter Warrior please email Colchester City Council on for more details.

Be Proud of Mersea and help to make our Island the first litter free island in the UK. Proud of Mersea are an active group of litter pickers and campaigners, for more details phone: 01206 385397 or email:  
Facebook: Proud of Mersea Community Group 

Sign up to our e-newsletter

Contact Details

West Mersea Town Council
10 Melrose Road, West Mersea
Colchester, Essex, CO5 8JD


Telephone: 01206 382128

Office opening hours:
Monday, Tuesday & Friday
9am to 12pm.

You can still contact us by telephone and email at other times.