1st Mersea Guides
The Old Fire Station, Scout Hut, Melrose Road, West Mersea, CO5 8JA
10 to 14 years old.
Email: merseaguides@gmail.com 
Tel: 0207 834 6242
Website: www.girlguiding.org.uk 

1st Mersea Brownies
Mersea Island School, Barfield Road, West Mersea, CO5 8QX.
7 to 10 years old.
Email: merseaguides@gmail.com 
Tel: 0207 834 6242
Website: www.girlguiding.org.uk  

1st Mersea Rainbows
St Johns Hall, Melrose Road, West Mersea, CO5 8JB.
5 to 7 years old.
Email: merseaguides@gmail.com 
Tel: 0207 834 6242
Website: www.girlguiding.org.uk 

Al-Anon Family Groups
A support group for those affected by someone else's drinking or whose lives are affected by drinking in any way.
Tel: 0207 403 0888
Website: al-anonuk 

Alzheimers Group
A support group for people with dementia and their carers and also for past carers.
Tel: 01206 573708
Email: colchester@alzheimers.org.uk 
Website: alzheimers 

Beach Hut Watch
Beach Hut Watch organises patrols of member's beach huts in West Mersea reporting damage to owners and the Police. They liaise with local Police on crime prevention and with local councils and other parties to maintain and enhance beach amenities and the environment.
Chairman: Mr Bob Winnington - Tel: 07988 646384 or email: wmbhwmembership@btinternet.com
Patrol Officer: Adam & Leah Scott-Hays - Tel: 07912 499947.
If you discover damage to any of the beach huts please telephone Colchester Borough Council on 01206 282911. 
Any information connected with offences against beach huts should be forwarded to Colchester Police Station - Tel: 01206 762212. 

Mersea Library (back door), 13 High Street, West Mersea, CO5 8QA.
Book club. 2nd Wednesday in the month, 10am to 11pm.
Tel: Jenny O'Donnell on 07530 590145

Community Speed Watch (Mersea)
Community Speed Watch is a community based traffic monitoring scheme, delivered by dedicated volunteers who feel passionately about road safety in their area.
For more information, contact Mr Mike Parr on 07802 672522 or email: mikeparr65@gmail.com 
Poster: click here

Dynamite Drama Company
Youth entertainment, film, drama and performing arts.
Email: pen.ddc@hotmail.com

Film Club
Held on the first Saturday of each month, the film club offers people of all ages the opportunity to watch recently released films on the big screen, free of charge. The film starts at or soon after 10.30am and all films have a U or PG rating. 
Tel: Jenny Hughes on 01206 385212
Website: MerseaFreeChurch/Film 

Guardian Angels
Guardian Angels provide befriending, transport to appointments on Mersea, sitting services to give the carer a break, shopping, or collecting prescriptions. All services are free, available on Mersea Island only, and provided by unpaid volunteers. Donations are requested and any remaining money at the end of the year is donated to charity.
Tel: 07961 322923 - Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

Mersea Bridge Club
Tel: 01206 384210
Email: togen@btinternet.com
Website: www.bridgewebs.com/mersea

Mersea Community Repair and Make
Details to follow

Mersea Community Support
Mersea Community Support Hall, Melrose Road, West Mersea, CO5 8JB.
Improving the conditions of life of the local community and individual residents through social welfare, and the provision of personal equipment (i.e., wheelchairs, commodes, walking frames, back rests, toilet frames and much more).
Community Coffee Club every Saturday, 10am to 12pm.
General enquiries: 01206 382179
Equipment loan: 07396 823991 (Jan)
Community Hall hire: 07396 823992
Monday Social: 01206 385703
Tuesday Lunch Club: 01206 381950
Friday Fish & Chips: 01206 382589
Timetable of weekly events: click here

Mersea Island Allotment Leisure Gardeners Association (MIALGA)
The Town Council and Mersea Island Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Association have a joint Management Agreement. All allotment holders must be members of MIALGA who administrate the allotment site in liaison with West Mersea Town Council. For full details and costings please email the Chairman Bernard Hart at thomhart2@gmail.com or tel: 07710 084061

Mersea Island Art Group
Formed in the 1970s, the group holds monthly "Meet the Artist" demonstration evenings on the first Friday of the month at the Community Support Hall. The group also hosts several Art Workshop Days annually.
Both events gives members the opportunity to meet, be educated and encouraged by professional artists. An interest in art is all that is needed, everyone welcome.
Tel: 01206 3824982 (Secretary, Barbara Morrison)
Follow us on Facebook.

Mersea Island Bosom Pals
Support group for cancer survivors (all types of cancer).
Tel: Gill Tydie on 07590 046261 

Mersea Island Community First Responders
Community First Responders take it in turns to be on duty with an East of England Ambulance Service phone and kit.
Should someone on Mersea become very sick, we get a call from the Service and are asked if we can attend.
Our kit consists of a Defib, Oxygen and various other small items.
We train once a week to keep our skills and knowledge fresh.
We are always looking for more volunteers, so if you don't mind the sight of blood, are hard to fluster, like helping people, are relatively fit and can spare a few hours a week then why not give us a ring and arrange to pop down and see us.
Tel: 07974 661829

Mersea Island Conservative Association
Tel: 01206 385361 

Mersea Island Film Society
Started in the autumn of 2008. A free film was shown at the MICA and 100 members joined on the night, you could say it was up and running and an instant success.
They started a full film programme from January 2009. A Lottery Grant was obtained and was used to purchase a new special projector and sound system for the benefit of the member's enjoyment. The back wall of the MICA stage is used for the screen. During 2015 they had the wall re-skimmed and then professionally painted with special screen paint, giving excellent picture quality.
The Society is run by volunteers and a committee is elected each year at the AGM. Films are chosen by the members in the Autumn for the following year.
The membership is limited to 240 and is full. The regular film turnout is about 120-160 which is just about comfortable for everyone.
Their success does mean that anyone wishing to join has to go on a waiting list.

Mersea Island Horticultural Society
Tel: 01206 384727
Website: http://mi-gc.org.uk

Mersea Island Lifeboat Guild
Tel: 01206 382921
Website: lifeboatguild 

Mersea Island Lions Club
Tel: 01206 383166
Website: merseaislandlionsclub
Facebook: Mersea-Island-Lions-Club 

Mersea Island Museum
Tel: 01206 383372
Website: merseamuseum 

Mersea Island Photographic Society
Tel: 01206 384223
Website: photographic 

Mersea Island Players
Performing arts.
Tel: 01206 382799
Email: megan_hughes@hotmail.co.uk
Website: mipsdrama 

Mersea Island Scout Group
The Old Fire Station, Melrose Road, West Mersea, CO5 8JA.
Beavers; 6 to 8 years old - Tel: 01206 384180
Cubs; 8 to 10.5 years old
Scouts; 10.5 to 14 years old - Tel: 07872 569700
Explorers; 14 to 18 years old - Tel: 07940 547582
Website: scoutgroup 

Mersea Island Sea Scouts
Sea Scout Hut, The Lane, West Mersea, CO5 8NT.
Tel: 01206 384428 or 07852 930289

Mersea Island Twinning Association
Tel: 01206 383054

Mersea Island Wildlife Forum
WI Hall, Kingsland Road, West Mersea, CO5 8RB.
Meet on the 4th Thursday of the month at the WI Hall where there will be a speaker.
The season runs from September to April.
Cost: Members £2, non members £3.
Membership £5.
Mersea Island Wildlife Forum organises outings to nature reserves with a guide.
Tel: David Nicholls on 01206 384341 for more details or to enquire about membership.
Email: urquhart57@gmail.com

Mersea Island Young Players
Children's drama group.
Tel: Megan Raven on 01206 383887 or 07866 295116
Website: miyps 

Mersea Ladies' Luncheon Club
Meet for lunch at The West Mersea Yacht Club on Thursdays every other month, the meals are always delicious. The Speakers Secretary arranges a varied programme of speakers to follow the lunch.
New members welcome to join, if you are new to the island it would be a great opportunity to meet people and find out more about life on Mersea Island.
Tel: 01206 385869

Mersea Harbour Protection Trust
Mersea Harbour is under threat from erosion by storm wave action. Within 20-30 years it could become unviable for moorings, oyster layings, wildlife habitat and many commercial and leisure marine activities. The jetty could be lost within 10 years.
Since central government can no longer fund the essential work to save our harbour, the Mersea Harbour Protection Trust has been set up as a charity to arrange to reinforce the protecting islands and headlands with around 200,000 tons of suitable sand and gravel from a dredging programme off Harwich Harbour. It is funded and supported by contributions from members of the trust, local charities, Essex County Council, Environment Agency and others including RSPB and Essex Wildlife Trust.
Tel: 01206 382843
Website: savemerseaharbour 

Mersea Island Mothers' Union
Parish Church Hall, St Peter and St Paul Church, High Street, West Mersea, CO5 8QD.
Church of England based organisation, started in England in 1876. Now worldwide with over 4 million members. The aim is to support and promote marriage and family life. The work overseas involves training in health and education, and practical and financial support in times of adversity, such as droughts and disasters. Membership is open to all - not just mothers, and they have many male members!
3rd Friday of the month, 2.30pm. Speakers on a variety of subjects, not all religion based. Details and a programme of events is posted in the Church porch.
All visitors are welcome to meetings - no commitment necessary. Enjoy a cup of tea and a chat, and listen to the speaker.
Email: davidbridgetsmith@gmail.com 
Tel: 01206 383166

Neighbourhood Watch
The Neighbourhood Watch Chairman, Peter Rudlin, has run the group for 18 years following on from 10 years by Don Butlin. The aim of the scheme is to be able to guard against crime through being aware of recent criminal activity near to where you live, to build a two way communication with the Police, knowing your Area Co-ordinator who can collate and distribute information about criminal activity as well as how to be more secure in and around the home, potentially obtaining a reduction in the cost of your contents insurance depending which insurer you use and having access to crime prevention equipment that at an affordable cost can bring increased security and peace of mind and help and reassure those who live in fear of crime, such as the elderly or handicapped and those that live alone or feel isolated.
There is a NW Committee that meets a few times a year to discuss local issues and often has a visiting speaker of interest. We aim to recruit new Co-ordinators in streets where there is not already one. We send emails out about meetings and anything which needs action.
We aim to encourage neighbourliness and closer community life and anyone who is interested in joining should contact Peter Rudlin.
Email: merseanhw@gmail.com 
Tel: 01206 385700
Website: www.ourwatch.org.uk

Packing Shed Trust
Tel: 01206 385123
Website: packingshed 

Patient Participation Group (PPG)
The aim of the group is to represent patients within the Mersea Medical Practice area, and to influence local policy in the Colchester area to ensure that Mersea's patients are represented in decisions made about health services they use.
Email: MerseaPPG@hotmail.com
Website: Mersea Island Medical Practice 

Probus Club of Mersea Island
Royal British Legion, 39 Barfield Road, West Mersea, CO5 8QX.
1st Friday of the month.
We meet in the bar for drinks at 12pm and then move through to the hall for lunch at 12.45pm followed by a talk given by a variety of speakers on many different interesting subjects.
We also organise Ladies Night twice a year when we take our wives/partners out for a slap up meal and in the Autumn we organise an Autumn break, a short holiday of 7-8 days either in this country or sometimes abroad. This year we will be going on a Rhine/Moselle river cruise.
New members are always welcome.
Email: jeff.empress@tiscali.co.uk 
Tel: 01206 384153

Proud of Mersea
Active group of litter pickers and campaigners striving to make Mersea 'the first litter free island in the UK'.
Tel: 01206 385397
Email: proudofmersea@outlook.com 
Facebook: Proud of Mersea Community Group 

Refresh Mersea
A voluntary group of people who have come together to 'refresh' parts of Mersea Town (formed in Spring 2014).
You do not have to be a gardening guru to help, from watering plants to deadheading, anything you can do is really appreciated.
For more information please get in touch.
Email: lmullins1@outlook.com 
Tel: 07808 402177

RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution)
Tel: 01206 382914
Email: west_mersea@rnli.org.uk
Website: lifeboat 

Rotary Club of Mersea Island
Facebook: mersearotary 

Royal British Legion (Mersea Branch)
Tel: 01206 382765
Email: p.baldwin262@btinternet.com
Website: britishlegion 

Strood Probus Club
Methodist Church, Mill Road, West Mersea, CO5 8RH.
2nd Wednesday of the month, 9.45am.
Meetings consist of a coffee or tea on arrival and this is followed by a talk given by a variety of speakers on many different subjects. We also arrange the occasional visit to interesting places.
New members are welcome.
Tel: 01206 386196 and speak to Peter Smith
Email: perfectpete829@gmail.com 

Strood Women's Institute
MICA Centre, 38a High Street, West Mersea, CO5 8QA.
3rd Wednesday of the month, 7pm to 10pm.
Tel: 01206 381623

The Catherine Bullen Foundation
Registered Charity No: 1110516
Aims: 'The relief of poverty, sickness and distress and the preservation of health in rural Namibia, by the funding of community based projects including the provision of fresh water supplies, medical and educational facilities and such other facilities as the trustees shall deem necessary with the object of improving the conditions of life of those persons who may have need of such facilities.'
Donations welcome - 15 Colchester Road, West Mersea, CO5 8RS.
Email: info@namibia-aid.org.uk 
Tel: 01206 383368
Website: namibia-aid 

The Friends of West Mersea Parish Church
Tel: 01206 383222 - Thursday 10am to 12pm.
Website: fwmpc 

The Mersea Island Society
Tel: 01206 381966 (Faith Richardson)
Website: themerseaislandsociety 

Tuesday Fellowship
A vibrant group on Tuesday afternoons aimed mainly at senior citizens, where people meet for a social time followed by an inspirational speaker. The group starts at 2.15pm at the Free Church, Mill Road. Transport can be arranged if they contact the church.
Website: MerseaFreeChurch/TuesdayFellowship 

W.E.A. (Workers' Educational Association)
A voluntary educational charity run by its members for the benefit of interested adults from all backgrounds. Mersea branch provides friendly, informal and enjoyable courses at the MICA Centre on a wide range of subjects with expert tutors.
Tel: 01206 382806

West Mersea & District Flower Club
Tel: 01206 386338
Email: vickiphillips073@gmail.com

West Mersea Women's Institute
WI Hall, Kingsland Road, West Mersea, CO5 8RB.
2nd Friday of the month, 2pm to 4pm. New members welcome.
Tel: 01206 381623 (Brenda Lambert, President)

Sign up to our e-newsletter

Contact Details

West Mersea Town Council
10 Melrose Road, West Mersea
Colchester, Essex, CO5 8JD


Email: carol.fountain@westmerseatowncouncil.gov.uk
Telephone: 01206 382128

Office opening hours:
Monday, Tuesday & Friday
9am to 12pm.

You can still contact us by telephone and email at other times.